Wednesday, 2 July 2008

The things I do while on leave

I started taking leave from the end of May and with the time available on my hands, what did I do? (Apart from sleeping a lot, that is). I watch movies. I went to watch Prince Caspian shortly after it opened, and I mentioned that in passing in one of my previous entries.
That soured my experience. At least there's a break in the story between Prince Caspian and Voyage of the Dawn Treader. I really hope Andrew Adamson don't mess it up this time.....
The other movie I watched was 'You Don't Mess With the Zohan'. It looked promising although the media seemed to be confused whether Adam Sandler's character was supposed to be a spy or commando. I was looking forward to it. Boy, was I disappointed. The movie was over the top with more jokes about his genitals than focusing on the storyline itself. I mean, not even Rambo was this ludicrous.
Speaking of Rambo, I also watched the movie. It was only so-so. The Rambo franchise is getting tired and it isn't a good idea to stretch it too much. Try imagining your grandfather single-handedly gunning an entire army?
I finally managed to get my hands on the Bourne trilogy (film, not the book). I liked it because it's a more plausible version of James Bond (not that I had written it off though). Put it this way: How many of 007's gadgets can you actually use?
I thought that the Bourne trilogy tended to focus more on the main character (Jason Bourne) using his intelligence (no pun intended) skills to outmanoeuvre his opponents (rogue CIA elements). For instance, I had always thought that as a spy, you never never appear on your enemy's radar scope. Once you're caught, you're finished. Bourne seemed to be comfortable with letting his opponents capture him and turn it to his advantage.
An example is in Bourne Supremacy, where he uses his own passport, which is sure to be tracked, to be captured. So while the CIA guys are gloating about the catch, Bourne overpowers the detention authorities, including a CIA officer. He then uses a device to copy the knocked-out officer's SIM card, then puts the SIM card back. Thereafter, he was able to listen in on any conversation the officer is having with CIA HQ without the guy knowing.
The other movie which I strongly recommend is 'The Bucket List'. It's a story of 2 cancer patients who decide that since their deaths were inevitable, they may as well have some fun. So the 2 goes, sky-diving, racing, explore places they don't normally go to (Egyptian pyramids), see stuff (Taj Mahal). What made the story beautiful was the fact that both discovered profound things about themselves and each other. This was the ind of friendship that the world in general tends to marginalise. The movie brings that out nicely without being too campy or preachy.
Of course, it helps a lot that the 2 main characters are played by actors I regard very highly--Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. Freeman has always managed to slip into his character and inject his presence, while Nicholson demonstrates his ability at playing the cantankerous but ultimately good-hearted guy.
Do try to catch the Bourne trilogy and the Bucket List, if you can. They're worth watching.